Northeast student college life

 Firstly let me start by introducing myself.My name is Jashwal Ningombam @Lingjelkhaba Angom .I am a student from Manipur from Northeast India and I am currently pursuing my Bachelor's degree in Physiotherapy In Career Point University. Today I am writing a blog on my college life and I'll be sharing how my life as a Northeast person in Rajasthan 

Life is great here , professors guide us in every possible way to enhance our goal and build a career,the seniors are also very dependable. But what if I was asked about any drawbacks of staying here ..yes there is some issues that I face as a Northeast student.Guess what it is. Ofcourse it is the food and temperature that is making me hard to adjust in this place .In the Northeast we eat foods that is cooked with less oil and spices or no oil at all ..we prefer it boiled curry cooked with fermented fish in addition to that we eat white rice every day and night.So for me it is very hard to adjust for me for the first one two months .I would frequently have lose motions if I ate the meal here and again if I don't I'll be starving whole night but now since I have stayed here for almost 8 months I have adapted quite a lot to this environment.

             I have met new friends in college and mentors and it quite better than what I have expected..You know people from Northeast are called momos chinki ,ching chong and various other names which might get offended by the person but here where I am based right now no one treats me that way and makes me feel like I am one of them and I would say that's very considerate of them .Okay I'll end my blog here and if you are interested about Northeast I'll write about it in my next blog .Thank you for reading it till here ♥️


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